Sally Loane
Sally Loane is a Non-Executive Director and advisor whose diverse background – from ABC broadcaster to CEO of an influential financial services industry organisation – developed her practical experience in reputation management, policy development and advocacy, and the value of engagement between business and politics. She has strong media and communication skills and a broad network in politics, business and the community.
The former CEO of leading peak industry organisation, the Financial Services Council (2014-2021), she developed expertise in policy development and solution-oriented engagement with politicians, the bureaucracy and regulators. Her leadership of the organisation involved developing policy and mandatory standards for a diverse membership base of financial services companies, while maintaining organisation growth.
Sally’s first career was as a journalist and broadcaster with Australia’s leading media organisations, including Nine (Fairfax), News Limited and the ABC, and included three years working in Canberra’s Parliament House press gallery, as well as in South Africa. Her 25 years in the media developed her deep understanding of journalism and the operations of the media.
She spent almost a decade with listed beverage company, Coca-Cola Amatil as a senior executive managing public affairs, media and corporate reputation. She wrote the company’s first ESG report and developed skills in corporate reputation management dealing with media, environmental and community issues and crises.
Sally is an experienced Non-Executive Director, currently on the board of Venues NSW, Destination NSW and Pankind, the Australian Pancreatic Cancer Research Foundation. She was the first female Director of Waratahs Rugby and a Director of SCEGGS Darlinghurst.
Her commitment to the community sector includes as Governor of the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation, Ambassador for Business Events Sydney, a member of Chief Executive Women and patron of Lou’s Place. She chaired the Salvation Army’s Sydney East Doorknock Appeal and was deputy chair of the Committee for Sydney.
Sally uses her experience in financial services to assist women to understand the importance of being financially independent, through mentoring (Minerva Network; Super Stars of STEM) and on the corporate advisory boards of the NSW Council for Women’s Economic Opportunity and the NSW Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Corporate Leadership Group.